Friday, November 29, 2019
West Side Story With Romeo And Juliet Essay Example For Students
West Side Story With Romeo And Juliet Essay What would Romeo and Juliet be like if Juliet hadnt died? What if Paris killedRomeo, instead of vice versa? What if instead of occurring several centuriesago, it took place on the streets of New York City during the 1950s, with abunch of fresh-faced youths posing as street toughs and dancing and singingtheir hearts out? Well, just take a look at West Side Story, and you will haveyour answers. It is impossible for anyone familiar with both texts to not notethe obvious major similarities between the two plays. From the opening scenes inboth, up through the rumble in West Side Story/death of Mercutio in Romeo andJuliet, the plays mirror each other (Poelstra). It isnt until the last part ofWest Side Story, where Tony, our modern-day Romeo, dies and Maria, TonysJuliet, doesnt (unlike the two star-crossed lovers of Shakespeares work), thatthe major difference between the two works becomes apparent. Granted, instead oftension between feuding families, West Side Story offers prejudice betwee nraces, as illustrated between street gangs, the Jets and Sharks. Some of thecharacters in West Side Story are carbon copies of those in Romeo and Juliet:Maria (Juliet), Tony (Romeo), Bernardo (Tybalt), Lt. Schrank (Prince), and Anita(Nurse). Others appear to be a composite of characters, namely Riff, acombination of Benvolio and Mercutio, and Doc, who appears to fulfill the roleof Friar Laurence (possessed somewhat of a peacekeeping nature: Youcouldnt play basketball?, he asks, when informed of their upcomingwar council ) yet, at the same time, it is implied inthe film version, not the play that he is a pharmacist, and there was, afterall, an apothecary in Romeo and Juliet . The tomboyish Anybodys, a Jet wannabe,would best fit into the role of Balthasar (although Docs character fits intothis role marginally as well), since it was she who aided Tony in escaping afterthe rumble, which resulted in the deaths of Riff and Bernardo, as well as laterinforming the other Jets that Chino, th e Paris of the Sharks, had a gun and washunting down Tony. In the opening act of Romeo and Juliet, Sampson and Gregory,servants of Capulet, harass Balthasar and Abraham, servants to the Montagues. We will write a custom essay on West Side Story With Romeo And Juliet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I will bite my thumb at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bearit, boasts Sampson (I.i.48-50). In the opening scene of West Side Story,several Sharks, the Puerto Rican gang led by Bernardo, harass A-rab (notice thesimilarity in name to Abraham), a white dude, a Jet, and therefore, an enemy ofthe immigrants. In no time at all, other Jets, led by Riff, rush to A-rabsside. No words are exchanged between the gangs, since it is, after all, amusical, and they basically just jump around in exaggerated fashion. Nevertheless, the scene, like the opening of Romeo and Juliet, sets the stagefor the remainder of the production. It is here where Lt. Schrank and hisfaithful compatriot, Officer Krupke, happen on the scene to break apart apotential rumble just like Escalus, Prince of Verona, did in Romeo and Juliet:If ever you disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit ofthe peace (I.i.103-4). Or, as Schrank would phrase it, I got a hotsurprise for you: you hoodlums dont own the streets (Laurents 6). Following the altercation between the gangs, it is decided by Riff that the timehas come to take care of the Puerto Ricans once and for all, clean em upin one all-out fight! (Laurents 10). Riff will challenge them at the danceat the gym later that night. But, he wants his old pal Tony, who founded theJets with him, in as his Lieutenant (Laurents 12). So, he goes to fill in Tony,who has made a sincere effort to forsake the gang life by becoming gainfullyemployed at Docs candy store. This is where another parallel occurs: just asBenvolio talks Romeo into attending the ball at the Capulets, Riff talks Tonyinto attending the dance at the gym. Prior to the dance, a sweet-facedseventeen-year-old gal, fresh up from Puerto Rico, prepares for her first bigsocial event in America. Here, even the exact act and scene (I/iii) are the sameas in Romeo and Juliet, where Lady Capulet and the Nurse speak to Juliet of herpossible impending marriage to Paris. The dance, where Tony and Maria firstmeet, i s comparable to the Capulets ball, where Romeo and Juliet firstencounter one another. At the Capulets ball, it seems to be Romeo who fallsin love at first sight, since he spots her before she eyes him: What ladyis that, which doth enrich the hand of yonder knight? (I.v.44-5). Afterexchanging a few words, Juliet becomes smitten with the loquacious youth, yetshe doesnt reveal this until the balcony scene. Tony and Maria, on the otherhand, notice each other at the very same moment, falling head over heals inlove. Shortly thereafter, Bernardo is upon them in an icy rage (Laurents31), telling Tony to Go home, American. Bernardo then reveals thatMaria is his sister. Couldnt you see hes one of them? Bernardoasks Maria (Laurents 32). No; I saw only him, she replies. Julietsexclamation at such a revelation was much more poetic: My only love sprung frommy only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Prodigious birth oflove it is to me, That I must love a loathed enemy. (I.v.140-3) B ernardo ordersMaria to go home, after which he approaches Tony, who is still intoxicated bythe lingering image of his new-found love (Laurents 35). Riff sidelinesBernardo, mentioning the possibility of a rumble. They agree to meet at Docscandy store at midnight for a war council. Act Two, Scene Two, of Romeoand Juliet, better known as the balcony scene, is reflected in West Side Storyin Act One, Scene Five, or the fire escape scene. Romeo refers to Juliet asthe sun (II.ii.3), calling for her to rise . . . and kill theenvious moon (II.ii.4). During the fire escape scene, Tony and Maria singthe song Tonight: Tonight, tonight, The world is full of light, Withsuns and moons all over the place. Tonight, tonight, The world is wild andbright, Going mad, shooting sparks into space. (Laurents 42) This momentexemplifies the Shakespearean impact perhaps better than any other in West SideStory, since even the Bards imagery is swiped for use in song. Not to mention,before parting, both parties a gree to meet the following day: Romeo and Julietat the hour of nine (II.ii.169) and Tony and Maria atsundown (Laurents 44). In scene seven of Act One, Tony meets Maria at thebridal shop. Anita catches them together. You will not tell? Mariainquires. Tell what? Anita replies. How can I hear what goeson twelve feet over my head? (Laurents 76); Anita is supportive of theirlove, as is Juliets nurse, who acts as an intermediary between the younglovers. Following Anitas departure, Tony and Maria go through a mock weddingceremony, mirroring the real one Romeo and Juliet prepare to undertake, aided byFriar Laurence. Both these instances occur before true tragedy strikes. Thebeginning of act three in Romeo and Juliet features the death of Mercutio by thehand of Tybalt, who, in turn, is slain by Romeo. Likewise, the rumble under thehighway in West Side Story culminates with the deaths of Riff and Bernardo (Laurents94). In both instances, the young romantic lead tries to talk the others out of harming one another. Tony, at the entreaty of Maria, tries to stop the violentproceedings, only to be taunted by Bernardo. It doesnt take guts if youhave a battle. But we havent got one, Nardo, Tony smiles (Laurents 91). .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 , .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 .postImageUrl , .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 , .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343:hover , .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343:visited , .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343:active { border:0!important; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343:active , .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343 .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8c7ad368489e4360b081892184859343:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Photosynthesis EssayThe taunting escalates, despite Tonys valiant efforts, and Riff soon hauls offagainst Bernardo, just as Mercutio had drawn against Tybalt. Both episodesresult in deaths: Mercutio and Tybalt; Riff and Bernardo. Following the rumble,the similarities between West Side Story and Romeo and Juliet dwindle. Onesimilarity would be the Nurses grief for Tybalt (III.ii.61-63) paralleling thatof Anitas for Bernardo (Laurents 127), but most interesting of all would be themanner in which Romeo and Tony learn of the deaths of Juliet and Maria,respectively. In Romeo and Juliet, Balthasar delivers the news to Romeoregarding the death of Juliet: Her body sleeps in Capels monument, andher immortal part with angels lives (V.i.18-19). Romeo then approaches theApothecary: . . . let me have a dram of poison, such soon-speeding gear aswill disperse itself through all the veins that the life-weary taker may falldead . . . (V.i.59-62). Doc, likewise, is the provider of poison to Tony,for it is he who delivers the news (falsified by Anita) of Marias death, alongwith the money Tony and Maria were going to use to flee the city (Laurents 138). That was no customer upstairs, just now, Doc tells him. Thatwas Anita. (Pause) Maria is dead. Chino found out about you and her and shother. Come, cordial and not poison, go with me to Juliets grave; forthere must I use thee, speaks Romeo (V.i.85-6). Tony pursues the samemeans to an end, only he expresses it in laymans terms: Chino? Chino?Come and get me, too, Chino (Laurents 139). While roaming the streets,searching for Chino, Tony spots Maria, alive and well. Just as they are about toembrace, a shot rings out, and Tony falls via Chinos violent hand, Mariacatching him as he stumbles (Laurents 141). However, whereas Juliet, upondiscovering Romeos death, ends her life by falling upon Romeos dagger(V.iii.169). An anguished Maria doesnt end hers, although she speaks of it withChinos gun in hand, she asks, How many can I kill, Chino? How many andstill have one bullet left for me? (Laurents 143). Whereas Romeo andJuliets love was one intended to last an eternity, attaining a spiritual rea lmwith their deaths, that of Tony and Maria was restricted to the material world,ending with Tonys death and . . . forever lost (Poelstra). Even so,the relationships in both plays reflect the intolerance, misunderstanding,and mistrust that seem to be ever-present in human society. Perhaps thismakes the themes of love and fear, that abound in both plays, all the morerelevant to our modern, commercialized, technological and, to some extent, stillsegregated society, and, therefore, a more accessible vehicle for todaysaudience (Poelstra). West Side Story allows the basic elements of a story fourcenturies old to be retold in a fairly modern-day setting (after all, streetgangs are more prominent now than ever before). A retelling that has garneredits own wide audience appeal over the past four decades, showing that certaintales can stand the test of time more than once, provided the content andcontext effectively reflects the world within which it occurs. BibliographyWorks Cited Laurents, Arthur. West Side Story. (A musical, based on a conceptionof Jerome Robbins; music by Leonard Bernstein; lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.) NY:Random House, 1966. Poelstra, James. Romeo and Juliet vs. West SideStory. (17 July 97). Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. The CompleteWorks of William Shakespeare, Volume I. Ed. W. G. Clark and W. Aldis Wright. NY:Nelson Doubleday, Inc., 247-277.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Make a Vinegar Trap to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
Make a Vinegar Trap to Get Rid of Fruit Flies All it takes is one piece of rotting fruit, and you can find yourself with a maddening fruit fly infestation in your kitchen. Even if you throw out your produce and clean your kitchen, the fruit flies may persist. The best way to control fruit flies at this point is to get rid of the breeding adults. Making a simple vinegar trap is an effective and inexpensive way to catch and kill fruit flies that just wont go away. Fruit Flies Are Easy to Outsmart Fortunately, fruit flies arent very bright. The adults spend all their time focused on two goals: mating and laying eggs on rotting fruit. They use their sense of smell to find fermenting produce and will fly to their target with little regard for their own safety. Apple cider vinegar has just the right aroma of rotting fruit to attract their attention. Thats why a vinegar trap is so effective. The trap is designed to lure the fruit flies in and to prevent them from escaping. What Youll Need to Make a Vinegar Trap To make a vinegar trap for fruit flies, youll need just a few things (you probably already have most of them in your home): a glass or cupa plastic baggie large enough to fit over the glassa rubber bandscissorsapple cider vinegar How to Make a Vinegar Trap Pour a small amount- an inch or so- of apple cider vinegar into the glass. The cider vinegar has a nice, fruity aroma that fruit flies simply cannot resist.Using the scissors, snip the corner off the plastic baggie. This should createà a hole just large enough for fruit flies to pass through, but not so large that it will be easy for them to escape.Place the baggie over the glass, and position the hole youve cut over the center.Push the snipped corner down into the glass so the baggie forms a funnel in the glassà but doesnt touch the vinegar.Use the rubber band to secure the baggie to the glass. Alternatively, if you dont have a baggie or rubber bands, you can create your fly trap using paper and tape: Start the same way: pour a small amount- an inch or so- of apple cider vinegar into the glass. The cider vinegar has a nice, fruity aroma that fruit flies simply cannot resist.Curl the paper into a cone and tape it so that it doesnt lose its shape.Place the cone pointed side down in the jar (make sure it doesnt touch the vinegar).Tape the cone in place in the glass jar. How to Use Your Vinegar Trap Place your vinegar trap in the area where you see the most fruit flies- likely near your garbage, produce bins,à compost container, or any area with produce, organic waste, or standing water. If you have a heavy fruit fly infestation, you might want to make several vinegar traps, and place them in your kitchen and in other rooms where fruit flies are present. Fruit flies will fly into the glass, pass through the hole in the baggie, and become trapped in the glass. Within a few days, you should notice an accumulation of dead fruit flies floating in the vinegar. Empty the trap as needed, and refill it with fresh apple cider vinegar. A few well-placed vinegar traps, along with good housekeeping practices to discourage fruit flies, should get your infestation under control quickly. To make your vinegar trap even more effective, add a few drops of liquid dish soap to the vinegar. This lowers the surface tension of the liquid in the trap, so the fruit flies have a lower chance of escaping before they drown.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Entrepreneurship. What Have I Learned During The Program And How Can I Essay
Entrepreneurship. What Have I Learned During The Program And How Can I Apply This In My Future Career A Critical Reflection - Essay Example Alongside the development of marketing theory, other parallel streams such as commodity, functional and institutional also experienced tremendous development. The rapid evolution, that took place just after the Second World War further escalated in the 1960s. This time the thrust was mainly on organizational behaviour, behavioural sciences and operational management which also strongly impacted the theories of marketing. The concept of entrepreneurship also evolved during this phase and some of the scholars even deem the evolution of entrepreneurial discipline to be analogous with the theories of marketing (Hultman and Shaw, 2003). It all started with the definition of entrepreneurship provided by Richard Cantillion in the 18th century, where he mentioned an entrepreneur to be an innovator. With the course of time, several other practitioners have portrayed their perception and outlooks about the notion of entrepreneurship. Schumpeter (1934) ââ¬Å"entrepreneur as innovatorâ⬠, S ay (1845) ââ¬Å"entrepreneur as coordinatorâ⬠, Kirzner (1973) ââ¬Å"entrepreneur as arbitrator and opportunity-seekerâ⬠and Knight (1921) ââ¬Å"entrepreneur as uncertainty reducerâ⬠are some of the excerpt of the thoughts presented by the eminent scholars. However, currently the concept of entrepreneurship is widely accepted and is judged as a vital part of the contemporary world and a well established erudite discipline. Moreover, government of a number of countries also judges entrepreneurship as a mantra of success and development of the economy. A number of examples can be traced which prominently showcases, the significant contribution made by entrepreneurs to the economy of a country. The importance increases exponentially when it comes to a developing country (Hills and Hultman, 2011). According to Rae (2007, p.3) an entrepreneur is defined as a person who acts in an enterprising way, and who identifies or creates and acts on an opportunity, for example by s tarting a new business venture. On the other hand, entrepreneurship is defined as a subject of enterprise and entrepreneurs, encompassing the practical and academic knowledge, skills and techniques used in being an entrepreneur. In regards to this context, Lumpkin and Dess (1996) put emphasis on the fact that an entrepreneur can be best judged by comparing the five dimensions namely (1) risk-taking; (2) opportunity oriented; (3) innovativeness; (4) pro-activeness; and (5) autonomy. An average or more than the standard score in these five dimensions greatly augments the possibility of an individual to become an entrepreneur in the near future (Mohanty, 2005; Hills, Hultman, Kraus and Schulte, 2010; Hultman, 1999; Carson, Cromie, McGowan and Hill, 1995). This study is basically intended to critically reflect upon the learning I received from the teachers and trainers. In the course module, we have mainly read about the theories and importance of entrepreneurship and critical evaluatio n of what I have learned during the programme and how can I apply this in my future career. In order to do this analysis, self reflection methodology will be adopted. In this study, I will portray about what I have learned during the entire course and will reflect upon how I can use those learning for my professional career. In this study, I will also develop a career action plan to showcase my future personal development. Self Reflection of Academic and Professional Learning I always have high interest on computers since my childhood days. However, at that time I was completely unaware of the architecture of a computer. In addition, I was also unaware of the strong research and development activities that took place prior to the development of computers;
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Armenian Genocide Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Armenian Genocide - Research Paper Example In addition, rights movements in the Empireââ¬â¢s former colonies had caused the secession of several countries from the empire. This further intensified the unrest in the Empire.The Armenians formed political organizations which demanded for better representation in the governing of the Empire. They also demanded for the fortification of their security3. They wanted to be part of the police force and to enjoy a more stringent police protection. These were termed the Armenian Question. With the fear of affecting the traditional way of governing the Empire, the government was steadfast not to heed to the Armenian pressure. The earlier regime of Sultan Abdul Hamid II had quelled the Armenian grumbles with a series of killings. More than three hundred thousand people were killed from the Armenian population. A lot of their property was also destroyed. They got scared and their spirit was dampened. Following the Empireââ¬â¢s crisis, a political group by the name the Young Turks for cefully took power. This was in 1908. A coup staged in 1913 by a faction ofthe Young Turks called the Committee of Union and Progress overthrew the government. Enver, Talaat and Jemal; the ministers of War, Interior and the marine respectively were its leaders. The CUP came up with the idea of forming an entirely Turkish state. This included expanding eastward towards other Turkic people, most of who were under the Russian Empire rule. In addition to that, the CUP worked towards creating a strong diplomatic relation with the Imperial Germany. With the break out of the First World War in 1914, the Ottoman Empire joined hands with Austria-Hungary and Germany to declare war on Russia, France and the Great Britain4. In the... The Armenian Genocide took place in the period before and after the First World War. It began around April 1915. It was planned and executed by the Ottoman government of theOttoman Empire. It was a systematic massacre of the Armenian population of the Empire. Before the start of the genocide, the Armenian population was around two million in the Ottoman state. However, in around 1918, there were only about one million Armenians left. Of these, hundreds of thousands had been rendered homeless. The Ottoman Empire was one of the most powerful states in the sixteenth century. With the growing of its economy, its populations also prospered.This included its minority population. Come the nineteenth century, the state was experiencing an economic regress. All its conquered land in Europe and Africa had been lost. The Empireââ¬â¢s geographical size was reduced quite significantly. Following the Empireââ¬â¢s crisis, a political group by the name the Young Turks forcefully took power. Th is was in 1908. A coup staged in 1913 by a faction ofthe Young Turks called the Committee of Union and Progress overthrew the government. Enver, Talaat and Jemal; the ministers of War, Interior and the marine respectively were its leaders. In the initial stages, the Ottoman Empireââ¬â¢s armies faced a couple of defeats. They redeemed their glory in 1918 by easily emerging victorious in the Caucasus. This war served as a scapegoat for the Ottoman military to wage war over the innocent Armenian population.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Nursing home for aging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nursing home for aging - Essay Example Research indicates that more than 1.000 million people at the age of 60 or more will comprise of the total world population whereas approximately 700 million old individuals will be living in the developing countries by 2020 (Ayranci, 2005). This shows that there would be a significant change in lifestyle of people in the near future which will subsequently increase health care issues, family responsibilities of young individuals and the overall social set up. Furthermore, meeting the health care needs of the older generation will become a greater challenge (Ayranci, 2005). These problems can be met through facilitating nursing homes for aging at the government level. Based on ethical standards and traditional family systems it can be argued that nursing homes arenââ¬â¢t the right choice for aging persons fundamentally because they create distance between elderly and young while also transforming an individual in to an irresponsible and egotistic being. However, on the other hand old individuals who are particularly diagnosed with fatal or transferable diseases can be treated and cared more conveniently in nursing homes. This actually relates to careful assessment of an old person, safety factors, health care practices and interventions required to counter with the disease. Since nurses are trained to deal with aging people therefore these patients are usually shifted to nursing homes to get benefitted by the professional health care practitioners. Mobility and Portability: Nursing homesââ¬â¢ quality standards are mostly judged on the basis of technotherapeutic interventions that they have. In addition to this, they also need to develop freestanding clinics, significant nonhospital settings and the ambulatory care centers. Evidence-based Practice: It is one of the most common and widely acknowledged concepts of nursing care primarily because it is helpful in
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Reviewing Biological And Psychological Crime Theories Criminology Essay
Reviewing Biological And Psychological Crime Theories Criminology Essay Mans attempt to understand the causes of crime and deviance predates written history. Prehistoric skeletal remains show evidence of primitive cranial surgical procedures. This appears to indicate that, during these more primitive times, people thought spiritual evils in the mind caused crime and deviance. Cranial surgery was the effort to open the mind and allow the unwanted spiritual influences to escape. Since these early times, many theoretical perspectives concerning crime and deviance have emerged. Biological, psychological, and sociological theories are the most widely known. This paper will focus on Cesare Lombrosos biological theory of anthropological criminology (atavism) and Gabriel Tardes psychological modeling theory of imitation. Biological crime theories began in the 16th century with the ideas of J. Babtiste della Porte (1535 1615). He was the founder of human physiognomy. Human physiognomy is the study of physical features to determine an individuals characteristics. Early biological theorists studied physical features to make assessments about a persons criminal propensity (Kroeber, 2006). Fundamentally, if criminality is inherited, then an offender can be distinguished by physical atavistic stigmata. The physical appearance, they believed, distinguishes criminal types and the positivist method was the biological approach these scholars chose. These ideas differed from the ideas of contemporary scholars in that they also believed in lower forms of life, anecdotes, and folk wisdom as explanations of crime (Farrington, D., 1996). The biological explanations of crime available today include abnormalities of the brain, brain damage, head trauma, genetic predispositions, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), lack of serotonin (neurotransmitters) in the brain, and blood abnormalities. Since many criminologists academically center on the social sciences, theories of deviant behavior based on biology are not widely accepted in the field of criminology. Society tends to reject biological explanations of crime because of the belief that biological equals hopelessness. Schmalleger (2006) states that some biological theories simply show abnormalities to be facilitators of crime, rather than determinants of criminal behavior. Biological crime theories involve various fundamental assumptions. These assumptions are the brain is the center of behavior and personalities, the manifestations of behaviors, to include criminal propensities, are in some form gene tically predisposed, differences in crime rates among races and gender are a result of biological differences but will only show in certain environments, biological crime facilitators and determinants may be passed to succeeding generations, and human behavior is instinctive and characteristic of all organisms (Schmalleger, 2006, p. 144). One of the most renowned scientific biological theorists was Cesare Lombroso (1836-1909). Lombroso coined the term atavism to suggest that criminal behaviors were the result of primitive impulses that successfully survived the evolutionary process. Lombroso and his students used the ideas of Charles Darwins theory of evolution and discredited the classical ideas of Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham. Lombroso believed in determinism rather than the ideas of free will. Free will is the idea that all individuals have an equal opportunity to make choices and to act criminal. Lombrosos class of thought is known as the Italian School. Lombroso theorized physical characteristics would represent primitive impulses. The characteristics that he found to be common among criminals, he labeled, atavistic (Ellwood, 2000). Atavism is a real or supposed evolutionary throwback. Atavists possess an unexpected appearance resembling the primitive traits of man or the reversion of such a trait that was present in the lineage of the past. This representative trait is not seen often in intervening generations after primitive creatures. Atavisms can occur when the previous genes for such phenotypical features are preserved in DNA and are dominantly shown. These genes may be present in organisms but not expressed in dominate features (Farrington, D. 1996). Social Darwinists frequently used the ideas of atavism. This class of thinkers claimed that inferior races would display atavistic traits and those individuals expressing atavistic characteristics are an inferior form of their primitive race. The notion of atavism is saturated with the ideas of evolution as a progress towards a greater complexity and superior ability of man (Farrington, D. 1996). Statistical evidence and the idea that physical traits indicate criminality has not been substantiated. However, the concept that physical traits can indicate the likelihood of criminal behavior is still popular in some circles. Lombrosos work was the result of studying postmortem bodies of executed offenders and deceased criminals. He measured the body in many different ways. He took measurements from 65 executed criminals and 832 living offenders and compared them with the measurements taken from 390 soldiers. Lombroso used this data to identify consistencies between traits and characterized his findings as criminal features. Among the traits he found to be predictive of criminal behavior, were index finger length, fleshy cheeks, close eyes, large teeth, lobe-less ears, high defined cheek bones, crooked nose, large lips, abnormal number of ribs, and different eye colors. Lombroso hypothesized that possession of certain combinations of traits could be used to identify a specific type of offender. For example, the classification for habitual homicide is cold, glassy eyes, a large nose, a strong jaw; large cheekbones, thin lips; and dark, curly hair (Schmalleger, 2006, p. 147). Psychological crime theories available today include Frustration-Aggression Theory, Modeling Theory, Behavior Theory, and Self-Control Theory. Gabrielà Tarde (1843-1904) first introduced the psychological modeling theory of imitation. This psychological perspective states that people learn how to behave by modeling themselves like others whom they have observed. The suppositions that provide the basis for his theory, as with most early theories, are analysis of the individual, personality is the major motivational element, criminal behavior is purposeful for the individual, normality is defined by social consensus, and crime results from inappropriate mental processes. Furthermore, inappropriate mental processes have many causes to include diseases of the mind, inappropriate learning or improper conditioning, and poor role models (Schmalleger, 2006, p. 183). Psychocriminologists generally focus on personality disorders that include psychopaths, sociopaths, and antisocial personalit ies to explain criminal behavior.à Gabriel Tarde believed that the laws of imitation were the basis of any society. He rejected the biological theories of crime proposed by Cesare Lombroso and other criminologists of his time, stating that certain inferences of law or regularities govern the social world. Tarde developed a behavior theory based on three laws of imitation. Tardes first law of imitation states that individuals that regularly and closely interact with each other behave similarly. The application of this law can be seen in groups such as white supremacists. These individuals focus most of their time and attention on ideas of white superiority and actively promote these ideas. Due to their close interaction with one another, they tend to exhibit the same behavior. The second law rests on the premise that imitation follows a hierarchical pattern. In the United States Marine Corps, Marines of junior rank often emulate their leaders. This idea of hierarchical imitation is positively reinforced through educati on and training. Tardes third law is that of insertion. This law conveys the notion that new ideas, modus operandi, or methods reinforce prior successful patterns or replace failed or less efficient methods. In the Marine Corps, leadership ideas that have been used for over 230 years are reinforced everyday because they are successful. At the same time, new methods for implementing those ideas are replacing outdated, less efficient methods (Schmalleger, 2006, p. 194). There are presumed advantages and disadvantages to both biological and psychological crime theories. In the criminology field, biological theories are advantageous because they provide a basis for the hypothesis that criminal behavior can be predicted by physical traits, chemical make-up, and genetic factors. In theory, once identified, criminal behavior can be treated through various medical therapies to include behavior modification, hormonal therapy, and gene therapy. The disadvantages of biological crime causation theories generally lie with methodological problems and the types of analysis employed to gather statistical data. Schmalleger (2006) states that biological studies often fail to include proper testing groups resulting in flawed forms of analysis. Glenn D. Walters and Thomas W. White, critics of biological perspectives, note the shortcomings of biological crime theories. They assert that the degree of criminality is improperly established, often based on one arrest, sam ple groups are not varied or realistically selected, results are left open for interpretation thus detracting from the integrity of the research, and findings from outside of the United States may not be applicable (Schmalleger, 2006, p. 172). Another disadvantageous aspect of biological crime theories is the potential impact on public policy. If biological studies are conducted that show credible information to the public regarding a certain biological trait for criminality, the outcry for legislation would be great. For example, if all criminals have gene-x, the people would demand laws be put in place that protected society from gene-x carriers. However, data obtained from biological crime studies is not consistent but can be interpreted. Furthering the x-gene example, while all criminals have the x-gene not all carriers of the x-gene are criminals. This could result in unfair practices against some innocent carriers. Psychological crime theories are beneficial to investigations today because they provide the framework used in developing typologies of psychological profiles utilized to identify personality characteristics of criminal individuals. Psychological explanations assist the investigator in understanding the criminal mind thereby increasing the chances of apprehension. Additionally, if crime causation factors are identified, offenders may be treated more efficiently, possibly reducing recidivism. Psychological crime causation theories also pose disadvantages to the field of criminology. D.A. Andrews and James Bonta (1994) discredit contemporary psychological theories stating that psychological and sociological criminology findings are not obtained through objective and empirical means therefore representing weak psychology in mainstream society. Another disadvantage of psychological theories is that they are more often applicable to sexual and violent crimes, include untestable postulations, and fail to account for situational factors (OConnor, T. 2004). In conclusion, it can be inferred that no one theory definitively explains crime. Biological and psychological crime theories address crime and deviance explanations from different, but equally feasible perspectives. The early biological ideas of Cesare Lombroso stimulated the emergence of more contemporary theories. Although his crime explanations are not widely used today, they provided a foundation for further thought in the criminology field. Similarly, Gabriel Tarde proposed an alternate crime explanation with his theory of imitation. Tardes thoughts encouraged social thinkers to expound on his ideas and develop more contemporary crime theories that are in practice today. Both biological and psychological explanations for criminality and deviance present advantages and disadvantages but it must be noted that each provide practical value to criminologists today.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Law Enforcement Innovations in Reaction to The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks a
The terrorist attacks to the World Trade Center towers in New York City on September 11, 2001 has changed the way federal, state and local police departments communicate with each other, their structures, and operations. The new federal organization known as Homeland Security set out to coordinate their work at the state level, collect, analyze and share pertinent information and intelligence, protect key infrastructure and assets, secure the nationââ¬â¢s borders and ports, team up with federal and local task forces, and prepare new response training, equipment, systems and strategies (Foster and Cordner, 2005). The Federal Bureau of Investigation also shifted focus from addressing traditional crimes to preventing terrorist attacks. This is a change in strategy much like the change between the reform and community policing eras (National Research Council, 2004). It would be next to impossible for federal agencies to work directly with local agencies since there are around 18,000 local departments throughout the nation (Foster and Cordner, 2005). Occurrences such as these are the downfall of a decentralized police system, but 9/11 has created more cohesion through the federal, state and local agencies (National Research Council, 2004). This resulted from state agencies that were selected as a liaison between the federal and local law agencies to do business such as disseminating information, sharing resources and asking for assistance (Foster and Cordner, 2005). This centralization makes more levels of administration responsible for strategies and tactics (Kelling and Moore, 1988). State agencies saw a 75.4 percent increase in terrorism related intelligence gathering, analysis and dissemination, 61.3 percent increase in ... ..., 2008; Rush, 2008; Kelling and Moore, 1988). These systems fall into the category of community policing as these campus police departments engage the community in the prevention of crime (Walsh, 2001). 9/11 has placed terrorist prevention in the hands of the local law enforcement agencies and reorganized the systems of law enforcement throughout our country. School shootings such as the massacre at Virginia Tech have heightened the need for security measures that can reach people quickly and on a mass scale. Where we once thought we were safe, now large-scale acts of lawlessness have brought safety and security to the fore. These acts of violence have already changed the strategies of law enforcement. If these changes give any picture of the future strategies and tactics will become more centralized and the community will be engaged to a higher degree.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Against the Odds, and Against the Common Good Essay
In her essay, ââ¬Å"Against the Odds, and Against the Common Good,â⬠Gloria Jimenez evaluates the debate for state-run lotteries and surmises that state representatives, having citizensââ¬â¢ welfare in mind, should not pass bills urging them to gamble. In todayââ¬â¢s society, state-run lotteries are common establishments considering the majority of our country has one. Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia all have lotteries justified as necessary state funds beneficial to the common good. But with state lotteries no one winsââ¬ânot schools, not the government and not the American public. (1) The lottery system does not contribute notable funds to the state or schools (2) it is a regressive form of taxation (3) it creates limited jobs (4) it is harmful to American values and society (5)but they claim to be fair and honest. Overall, lotteries are neither practical nor fair, and they are harmful to the common good. First, let me point out that lotteries do not achieve their first goal of contributing notable funds to the state or schools. The most valid defense for lotteries is that they will increase Educational funding, when, in fact, contributes very little. In her research, Jimenez briefly explains her findings and deducts ââ¬Å"the lotteries have been paying out roughly 4 percent to the businesses while taking in almost $20 billion in 2002.â⬠(New York Times, May 18, 2003, sec. 4, p. 1). If states raised income tax by a fraction of a percent, they could generate just as much revenue as state lotteries. That is how insignificant they are. As well as being an ineffective money raising scheme, the lottery is also a regressive form of taxation. The attraction of the lottery is to strike it rich instantaneously and never have to work again. The message is most evident to the poor, undereducated, and compulsive gamblers. As a result, these citizens participate in the lottery spending an average of three times as much of their income on lottery tickets than the wealthy would. This is, in effect, due to false and misleading advertising aimed specifically at this market. Furthermore, the only new jobs that are created unless, by chance a new casino goes in, are the vacancies for advertising executives and accounting clerks. The positions for clerks that actually sell the tickets do not need filling because they are previously filled at convenience and grocery stores. In addition, state run lotteries are unwholesome and dangerous for the common good. They send out a message that opposes the ethics of hard work, sacrifice, and integrityââ¬âeverything Americans believe in. The lottery is deceptive and encourages people to believe that they will win something for nothing. Still, government allows lotteries and actually promotes them, encouraging citizens to participate. One of the greatest problems associated with the lottery is that it can lead to addiction. So although people are buying the tickets of their own free will and free will to participate is one of the proââ¬â¢s of the lottery. Exactly how much free will really is there when all of the manipulation is being done by the ad executives targeting prime citizens, the government strong-arming the constituents into their lottery schemes, and the gambling addicts cannot really help themselves? Government has no business enticing people to gamble their hard earned money for an against the odds chance of winning a big cash prize. It is irresponsible, immoral and far from fair and honest. Works Cited Jimenez, Gloria. ââ¬Å"Against the Odds, and Against the Common Good.â⬠Pg. 112-114. Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing. Barnett & Bedau. New York. Bedford/St. Martin.2008. Print
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The people who started the movement around Jesus
The people who started the movement around Jesus must have suffered a traumatic setback with his death. They were expecting the coming of the kingdom of God on earth, but it did not arrive immediately as they had expected. Something changed their outlook on who Jesus was and what he would mean for the future of the movement. This is known as a rebirth. The followers of Jesus were convinced that he had been raised from the dead and had been taken away into heaven as an acquittal of his messianic identity. The earliest form of the movement was thoroughly a sect within Judaism. The earliest forms of the Jesus movement were small, sectarian groups. The people held on tightly to their beliefs and expectations while at the same time continued in their Jewish tradition. One of the things they had to do was distance themselves from their authoritative cultural surroundings. A sect always arose within a community with whom it shared a basic set of beliefs and yet, it needed to find some way to differentiate itself. Sectarian groups were always in tension with their environment. That tension was manifested in a variety of ways. There were controversies over belief and practice and different ideas of pureness and holiness. Another demonstration of the tension is the tendency to spread the message out, to travel, and convince others that the truth is real. Christianity did not start out as a unified movement. There were no fixed thoughts of what Christian beliefs should be, what Christian rituals should be, or what they should think about Jesus or what they should tell about Jesus. Over a long period of time Constantine, Julian, and Arius had disputes over which religion should dominate their region. Christianity adopted a lot of concepts from other religions, which enriched the early Christian movement tremendously. By the time of the conversion Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. That was not a sim...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
College Close-reading Essays Instruction, Examples
College Closes A Guide How To Write A Close Reading Essay You may wonder what is meant by a close-reading essay. Consider an example of an individual going to a museum. He will stare at a picture until he finds out information he did not see initially. This is what is happening while writing a close-reading essay. While writing this kind of essay, you are expected to be flexible in your observation and be analytical in your interpretation of texts. When your tutor gives you this assignment, treat it as the best opportunity for you to show your teacher that apart from having the ability to identify minutes in a poem, passage or short storytelling, you can say something significant about your identification. Take it if you are looking for a hidden treasure. All the details you discover are your treasures, and at this moment you have all the freedom of deciding how to handle them. In most occasions, you will discover that you enjoy the process of writing a close-read essay. Because you will give meaning to every single word used in a text, you will find the process fascinating. Taking a more in-depth look at the discovered details will also help you find out a deeper and more detailed meaning of the text enlightening your experience of it. Before you make your conclusion to leave your assigned task on writing a close-reading text, give yourself a chance to see the beneficial side of it. Definition of a Close Reading As the name suggests, a close reading essay refers to an essay that is focused on the tiny themes within a literary story, passage, or poem. Most of the essays you might have come across or written were concerned on broader topics like justice, adulthood, loneliness, love, and jealousy. The mentioned issues are called broader themes because they deal with problems that are common in texts. They are not hard to find in any document. They are readily seen like traffic signs. Characteristics explained in the text would sometimes refer to them directly. At some point, these themes would be repeated in the text. They come in the mind of readers once they reference their work. On the other side, close reading assignments seek to explain what would be disclosed if one decides to look at these broad themes deeply. It is like examining the bottom of the rock and describing your experience and discovery (How to Write a Close Reading Essay, 2019). In close reading essays, the writer is expected to explain in detail how smaller teams have been used creatively to connect to the larger theme. In such articles, you should be in a position to tell how the writer has used his language and what has been left out. This essay is like a deep scuba that dives to the bottom of the text, ocean to find out how the authors choice of words, imagery, tonal variation, and other literary elements work together to bring out a unified theme in the text. Though the close essay intends to look beyond the typical focus of the book, most aspects uncovered in the text acts as a road map towards the larger theme. Most items you identify in a close reading essay help you understand other issues of the essay. Also, they will give you a better understanding of both nuance and understanding. This refers to both big and smaller themes that are found within a text. Despite the reader looking at hidden information within a text, you will be expected to gather a lot of information from any given portion of information. This essay requires you to interpret the text correctly and be in a position to apply it in the larger theme or the rest of the story. Your writing should have the ability to inspire readers to research and learn more about what you have discussed. Once you are through with this article, you will get a better insight into all that is needed from you as far as close-reading essays are concerned. You will be more than confident to handle one essay and get not just a passing grade but a grade you have ever yearned to get. Steps of Writing a Close Reading Essay The first thing to do after given a close reading assignment is to read it at least thrice. Your first reading is to equip yourself with the content. Then your second reading is to extract some finer details within the text. Your final reading is for you to understand the whole text and is achieved when you read slowly and keenly. As you read the text, you might have come across information that you find essential. Underline it for quick reference while writing. Necessary information can be repeated words, unusual syntax, provocative punctuation, or details you did notice during your first reading. You should invest your time in this stem by reading the text slowly. Remember discoveries are not made through a rush. Note down all the information you have underlined in the text. Try to figure out what might be connecting them or even a portion of them. From your list, what can you conclude about the theme, the larger piece, and the authors intention? Then write down the conclusions you have made above in a piece of paper. Your most robust finding should be circled and redesigned into a thesis statement. From your underlined evidence, circle the one that strongly conforms to your thesis statement. Then come up with a hook that will connect to your broader idea of your thesis statement. For instance, if your thesis statement was about being watched unaware shown in the short story The Yellow Wallpaper, written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, you may decide to start using a quote or interesting statistics on being watched unaware. Then make sure you discuss the above concept in an additional three to four sentences but still in your introduction. At the end of your submission, state the thesis statement you had prepared. In the first paragraph of your essay body, discuss the primary textual evidence. It should be brief and direct to imagery, language, syntax, repetition and any other thing you had noticed while reading the text of. Explain why it is essential and how it supports your thesis statement. Repeat step 8 with the other two body paragraphs in your essay. In this step, you will have to summarize your argument using a new fashion of language. You should do this without the slightest kind of repetition. Try in your summary to remind your readers how the details will help them get an understanding of the text. To achieve this, you have to connect your thesis statement to the bigger picture of the era. If for instance, you are discussing uncanny found in The Yellow Wallpaper, you may have to link your thesis statement to the human lineage to make people understand afterlife. The Format for a Close Reading The format for writing this kind of essay is not different from other essays you have come across. First, you begin your essay with an introduction and insert a thesis statement at the end of your introduction. After the introduction, you will write three body paragraphs in support of your thesis. In these body paragraphs, you will use detailed textures that are shown as quotes. In your conclusion, you will restate your thesis statement but using a new fashion of language making reference to the content of your essay. In case you are writing a close reading on a short story book or poem, then there is no need for you to specify the section your essay will deal with. But for longer pieces of writing or stories, you will have to specify using your introduction. For instance, you can decide to write something of this sought: The paper will explore the authors use of color in chapter one of The Red Badge, of Courage. Also, you can state it this way: The paper will examine repetition of the gerund in the Burial of the Dead in T.S. Eliots poem, ââ¬ËThe Waste Land. Close Reading Essay Topics Daisys voice and words in ââ¬ËThe Great Gatsby: Explain their indication on the authors character. The Beverage used in ââ¬ËThe Great Gatsby: how they display both emotional and actual events. How does the phrase ââ¬Ëold spot help in identifying the time when the novel ââ¬ËThe Great Gatsby was created? What was the author trying to pass across by using Cigarettes and Smoking in the novel ââ¬ËThe Catcher in the Rye? In the novel ââ¬ËThe Catcher in the Rye, pick one slung word used by Holden and argue on it. In ââ¬ËThis is just to say, discuss the word choice, structure, syntax, and visual elements that William Carlos used. What makes inscrutability more mysterious in Eliots ââ¬ËThe Waste Land? Discuss how Biblical and religious symbols have been used to drive the narrative in The Red Badge of Courage? An Example of A Close Reading Essay The most known form of punishment associated with solitary confinement that lies in isolation is torture and its associated structures. It is manifested in the prevention of human association, stimulus, or exposure to the outside world. The above premise helps in shaping the renewed short story, Charlotte Perkins Gilmans, The Yellow Wallpaper. Majority of scholars who have read the story interpret it as a tale by a woman who went mad because of stimulus, isolation and excessive bearing of men who were in her life. Though their interpretation seems legitimate and valid factors for the heroine, the author places a very deliberate hint in the story that proposes that sees the story as a ghost story and there is something hidden that was influencing the main character in this story. It takes the author great pain to describe the grand empty house that was rented by the couple during summer. The house seemed to be having an exciting story of darkness. The house itself is in an environment that is isolated about three miles from the nearest town. These make me imagine English places I have read about. They have hedges, walls, and gates that are surrounded by other several little houses for workers. Even though the experience described in the story does not sound dark, the author aimed at provoking the subconscious mind of the readers. Coming across the word ââ¬ËEnglish places will make readers think of dark, expansive, and gloomy places. The use of hedges, walls, locks, and gates helps in bringing the idea of captivity for those associated with such places. The authors reference to several small houses surrounding the place shows that there are numerous places for individuals and bad things to hide in. The concept of the dark history of the mentioned house is found in the following information. There were greenhouses, too, but they were all broken now. This is a provocative technique used by the author, and he deliberately avoided to mention that the houses were empty, or had rusted or needed some renovation. The only possible way of breaking a greenhouse to break the glass used to construct it. This shows that there is an existence of some violence, provocation, or rioting that resulted in the described situation. Further detail leaves the reader in anxiety. There was some legal trouble, I believe, something about the heirs and coheirs; anyhow, the place has been empty for some years. This technique is highly suggestive, and one would wonder the kind of trouble that would keep the place empty for that long duration. If there would be a suggestion, then it is like heirs are trying to vie to get to live in the place. This is if the situation is as described above. The situation suggests an ugly situation between family members or even chaotic in the country. Then the floor is scratched and gouged and splintered, the plaster itself is dug out here and there, and this great heavy bed which is all we found in the room, looks as if it had been through the wars. The above statement shows that there was someone who was held captive early. In the story, we are told severally that in the windows, there were bars and rings and things were also found on the walls. The fact the author tells us of gouges and plasters that had been dug shows that someone was really trying to escape from this place. This further creates a picture in the readers that someone was trying to escape but might have died and the ghost would possibly be observing the heroin in another part. To sum up, Gilman relied heavily on several details in his book, ââ¬ËThe Yellow Wallpaper to bring out the aspect of the ghost story in the traditional setting. In this story, what drives the heroine insane is the existence of a supernatural being as well as forced seclusion. Information on the occult and uncanny is prevalent. It would be possible that the house was possibly a hidden place for murder. Because of torture and murder that took place in this house, it is full of marvelous energy and dark spirits and is waiting for any vulnerable individual like the main character in this case. Though the character goes mad, it would be even more challenging to start blaming all those surrounding her. The author intentionally suggests that there is something unusual with the room and the house in general and the history of this mysterious house would be sordid. Conclusion A close reading essay helps you to put in place your detective gears and examine a piece of writing more keenly. The intention of teachers giving out this kind of assignment is to test your ability to notice smaller details and relate them to the whole work. As a student, we would advise you to concentrate on the minor aspects of either poem or story provided. This is where most students and some scholars fail as they only focus on the major themes and forget about the smaller issues. After discovering them, then let the details you have found guide you throughout your discussion. This would be more fun as it gives you an opportunity to view the literary piece from another perspective. As we always advise students, if you still think you have a challenge handling this kind of assignment contact us. Our writing team is well equipped and has enough experience on this assignment so you should not worry at all. It will take them the shortest time to help you get on track with your writing, or if you are going in circles, they will guide you refocus your work.
Monday, November 4, 2019
W4-Q Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
W4-Q - Essay Example On the other hand, Kaplan & Hurd (2002) argue that partnership allows sustainability in organizations by establishing a strong link between organizations with common objectives. It enables them to utilize the available opportunities through a supportive approach. For example, an organization may source partnership with another company that possesses particular skills that are essential in production but are lacking. The partnership between Tata motors and organizations such as Ariba Inc. is a partnership whereby Ariba offers the automobiles company with assistance in management related issues. This partnership has led to the expansion of the market for Tata automobiles hence improved competition and reduced bargaining power of suppliers that has made it possible for the company to attract more suppliers in a rationalized manner. On the other hand, Ariba maintains competence through these partnerships and is renowned for its diversity in management solutions, which enables it to maintain a substantial number of clients. Gadman & Cooper (2005) argue that the more an organization is capable of identifying useful partners, the greater the chances of expanding its opportunities due to the fact that each partnering organization has unique capabilities that can be useful when shared, making it possible for businesses to utilize their potential to the maximum. The efficiencies gained through partnerships are mainly as a result of the organizationââ¬â¢s efforts that are aimed at accomplishing organizational objectives. In essence, every organization entering in to a partnership seeks to benefit from it. Otherwise, partnerships would not be meaningful for organizations if they have no positive impacts on its productivity. Gensemera & Kanagaretnam (2004) observe that for high commitment in partnership to be accomplished, each partner needs to understand the benefits that are likely
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Other Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Other - Essay Example They can also help people diet in a proper manner and assist in loss of weight, while keeping fit. Thesis: American ââ¬Ësuper foodsââ¬â¢ as well as a large number of fruits and vegetables that are produced in America are really good for health and can actually help people in their fitness regimes and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Day by day, more and more Americans are becoming conscious about their health and dietary habits. They are taking to nutrition because of the rampant obesity world over, especially in America, because of the junk food culture. Even though a large number of people still have poor eating habits and have taken to consuming junk food or fast food on a daily basis, there are people spreading awareness regarding the importance of proper living. Magazines, newspapers, tv shows, the radio, as well as many contemporary films and books being made and written in the US have been promoting healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle, with the help of American foods itself. Moreover, eating junk food is not all that bad if consumed in a controlled manner. Many American parents have begun to lay emphasis on ensuring that their children receive a healthy diet. Schools in the country have also begun to advocate healthy foods and salads as part of their mess or cafeterias and have begun to rule out the u se of soft drinks and fast foods in order to help students understand that a high nutritional value is much more important than consuming something that might seem tasty but consists of a high number of calroies. With respect to fruits and vegetables, there are foods like blueberries, pumpkin seeds, avocados, sweet potatoes etc that are produced in America in high quantities. (Mitzweich, John) These foods are very rich in nutritions and assist people in overral development of their bodies. Moreover, salmon is produced in the country and sold to very many households as well;
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